Our Mission

Imagine Living and Learning Without School

Ten Toad evolved out of Julie’s outreach efforts to bring homeschooling resources and information to her community.  After 7 years of producing in-person events in the San Francisco Bay Area, we went virtual in 2020 expanding our reach to help families from all over the world.  We recognize that traditional schooling may not work for all students and that families everywhere are looking for alternative options outside the typical classroom.

Ten Toad events provide families with information and supporting resources to help them confidently transition to a school-free life.  Our Keynote Speakers and panelists expound on a variety of homeschool topics including Homeschooling 101, Unschooling, Working While Homeschooling, WorldSchooling, Homeschooling Special Needs, Gifted and Twice Exceptional kids (just to name a few). Speakers will address questions live during the Q&A sessions of the event. Attendees will have access to our carefully curated Virtual Vendor Hall where you can meet directly with providers of homeschool programming and resources. As an added bonus, families will receive exclusive special offers and discounts from our vendors and sponsors.

We partner with local and national nonprofit organizations to ensure you receive accurate information about how to legally homeschool where you live, and we offer free or sliding-scale registrations to the community—no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

Through our Virtual Homeschool Fairs, Consultations, in-person Conferences, and Online Resources we help families learn about alternatives to traditional school. Our services will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge and the resources to transition to a school-free life with confidence.


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A life worth living, and work worth doing - that is what I want for children (and all people), not just, or not even, something called 'a better education.'

— John Holt