Who We Are

Homeschool Parents + Educators + Advocates

Ten Toad is owned and operated by homeschool parents, Julie Mink and Rich Schiffman. Julie’s commitment to community and passion for outreach is why we founded Ten Toad.  Rich is a former homeschool skeptic who is now a huge fan of Life without School.  Together they have helped thousands of families transition to homeschooling.

Julie Mink, M.Ed.

With a 30-year career spanning from public school teacher to homeschool advocate, Julie is now dedicated to helping families transition to a school-free life. Her commitment to community is evident through her continuous volunteer work as president and founder of Marin Homeschoolers; Regional Representative for the Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO); Legislative Team member and Local Contact for California Homeschool Network (CHN); and as a former member on the Board of Directors for HomeSchool Association of California (HSC). In 2013, she founded The Bay Area Homeschool Fair (which evolved into Ten Toad online events during the Covid-19 lockdowns) to continue to bring information and resources to all who are curious.

Ten Toad was born out of Julie’s desire to help families confidently transition to homeschooling with confidence and a solid foundation. Partnered with Rich, who brings his extensive background in business, technology, and finance, they launched Ten Toad to help families learn about homeschooling options.

Julie and Rich hail from the East Coast and currently reside in Northern California with their two kids and a dog named Batman.

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You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
—Buckminster Fuller